Shield Yourself from scammers, hackers, and predators

Just Meeting Someone Online?

Tell them you want a 

Live Selfie

1 of 2 things will happen

1. Additionally, They will send you a selfie and our AI bots will tell you if its real

2. Moreover, They will make an excuse and you can move on.

LIVE Selfie

Price: $0.00

Live Selfie is a feature designed to verify the identity of the person you are connecting with using real-time photography.

Usually, a hacker, fraudster, or pervert will pose as someone else when meeting online,

when asked for a photo you will get someone they claim to be.

Moreover, Our process eliminates this fraudulent activity, the image that is sent is uploaded to our AI platform and analyzed in multiple ways instantly. Our process will let you know whether this is their photo.

Here’s how it works:

Real-Time Photo Capture: Additionally, The app or platform requests the person to take a live selfie using their device’s camera. This ensures that the photo is taken on the spot and not a pre-existing image.

Liveness Detection: Moreover, Advanced algorithms check for signs that the selfie is taken in real-time. This can include detecting blinking, movement, or other interactive prompts to ensure the person is alive and present.

Comparison with Stored Data: The live selfie is compared with previously stored images of the person, such as those from their profile pictures or identification documents. Moreover, This comparison helps confirm that the person in the live selfie matches the known images.

Security Checks: Additional security measures, such as facial recognition technology and anti-spoofing techniques, are employed to further verify the person’s identity and prevent fraudulent attempts.

By following these steps, Live Selfie helps ensure that the person you are connecting with is indeed who they claim to be, enhancing security and trust in online interactions.

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Support Circle Network is a transformative platform that fosters genuine connections and targeted support within communities. 

Our mission is clear, to provide a secure and verified space where individuals can seek friendship or extend a helping hand to those in real need.

In a world increasingly plagued by scams and distrust, Support Circle offers a beacon of reliability. 

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